Thursday, August 17, 2006

The beginning of the end

When the first of August came, people mumbled, "Is today the first day of August? Gosh, I can't believe it's August already!" As the month progressed, the stirrings changed to, "August is just flying by so quickly!" Today, I received a Pottery Barn catalog in my mailbox.

The fall catalog.

It's official. Summer is so close to being over it might as well be the second runner up on American Idol.

I mourn the passing of summer here like I never have before because it means that winter is unpleasantly near. And winter in this city is just almost unbearable.

So soon the steady stream of hot, shirtless men running along Lake Shore Drive will slow to a trickle, and eventually dry up altogether. The plumes of water shooting majestically from Buckingham Fountain will cease, the speed limit will decrease along LSD, and the heat lamps in the CTA train stations will come to life at the press of a button.

On the bright side, I won't have to worry about dealing with the steet cleaners any more. At least not until April.

1 comment:

John said...

HO baby, don't make me hurt you. "Winters in this city are almost unbearable"?????? Right...

Come north a few more hundred miles and we'll see what you have to say. :p

Love ya.