The astute among you may notice that the lines between the data points on this graph are fewer and farther in-between. That's because each line now represents 5 pounds, not 2 as in previous iterations. Why is the gap greater? Well, I'm sure I could have changed this in Excel, but the software chose the graduations automatically. The reason it changed is because of the new delta between the highest and lowest points on the graph.
Officially, over the 7 week period of Lent, I have lost 14.5 pounds, a full 4.5 pounds more than I had pledged to give up.
I am very excited. This puts me within 4 pounds of my original "goal" weight, although I have adjusted that down (as previously mentioned). I will be shopping for new jeans in a week or so because the current ones hang on me. And most importantly, I feel great!
I have to run and get ready to start my Holy Saturday stuff. I have a choir rehearsal to attend, banana pudding and breakfast casseroles to assemble, animal stuff to buy, and a bottle of wine to procure. Then tonight I have to go and get Jesus up out of the tomb! I'm looking forward to the lighting of the fire outside the parish tonight, not so much because I'm a pyromaniac -- which I am -- but because it's going to be so freakin' cold! But that's a blog for another day.