This week's total is 1.5 pounds. This is actually a pretty good thing, since healthy weight loss is supposed to average between 1 and 2 pounds per week. At this rate, it will take me another 19 weeks to reach my goal weight. That puts me at my goal weight towards the end of August. It also puts me ahead of my Lenten goal of 10 total pounds by 2.5 pounds (I've currently lost 9.5 pounds). Of course, this may start varying week-by-week, so it's certainly not a fait accompli. However, I am very encouraged.
Life has otherwise been a little crazy. I'm hoping to take this weekend to catch up on some things in my life that I've let lapse a bit, including blog updates. There is much to tell.
From someone who's been fighting an orderly retreat on the weight front, I have to say that it is very heartening to see you having such success. Keep up the inspiration.
And you know that only us geeks get off on plotting our progress on graphs... I did one last year to figure out the calibration error on my car's gas gauge.
Oh, sweetie, just wait until I publish the statistical analysis . . .
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