Friday, November 18, 2005

To the End of Dreams

Tonight was the last of Chicago Chamber Choir's fall concert series entitled "Birds and Dreams and Flying Machines." It was a good program, and we performed it reasonably well.

I'm just not satisfied.

I don't mean I'm not satisfied with our performance, necessarily. I just feel like we didn't move the music to the "next level." Most of this is, of course, the consequence of being my own worst critic. But I feel like the audience response was less than it should have been based on the works we performed.

Our next concert series is Carols by Candlelight, December 17 and 18th. As the name suggests, these concerts will be mostly Christmas carols and some of the works we recorded this summer on our latest CD.

I am probably just in a "blah" state overall, but I'm particularly "blah" about music right now. I enjoy singing, and I am very fond of both my church choir and CCC. But I'm just not feeling the muse right now. Hopefully Christmas music will snap me out of the doldrums -- it usually does.

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