Thursday, June 15, 2006

Zebrafish, Day 1

I'm safely ensconced in my hotel room having survived the first full day of the 7th Annual Conference on Zebrafish Development and Genetics. The meeting started yesterday with two hours of talks in the evening, including the key note address.

Today was a marathon -- we started at 8:30 and went until 10:00 (that's a.m. to p.m. in case you're wondering.) I had to bail around 9:15 because my back is still recovering from the 3 hour drive to Madison from Chicago. I'm lying on my tummy while typing this, trying to stretch my intervertebral discs anteriorly and thereby reduce the pressure on my dorsal nerve roots. Most of the talks I went to today were good, some really good, others not so hot. I'm learning a lot about techniques in zebrafish, but I have yet to see something that gives me an "Aha!" moment where I get a new idea of how to tackle my own project. It will probably happen -- it does at most meetings I attend.

This is a big meeting to break in to, and I feel a little isolated because I'm the only person from my own lab here and I know so few people in the community. I haven't been able to attend either of the poster preview sessions where folks can mingle with beer in their hands, so that's hindered my ability to mingle. I'm hoping tomorrow night my back will be healed enough to allow me to stay until after 10:00 pm. But I'm not going to push it -- 13.5 hours of meeting is plenty enough, thanks.

I'm going to run and check the news about today's General Convention news. I'm a little worried about some of the resolutions, but I have faith that the Holy Spirit will prevail!

Now back to the back, and hopefully soon to blissful repose.

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