Friday, February 17, 2006


I should learn to follow my instincts more often. If my gut tells me to avoid a situation, then I should probably just heed the advice of my innards and avoid that situation. Unfortunately I ignored my instincts last night, and I paid the price. I wound up in a very uncomfortable place, just squirming to get out. Next time, I will pay greater heed to my all-powerful, all-seeing, all-knowing gut.

Fortunately today has been much better. Having left work early yesterday because of my back -- yet again -- I was nervous that my back was getting worse instead of improving. However, from the time I got out of bed this morning I have felt as close to well as I've felt in 10 days. I noticed hardly a twinge of pain all day, and walked about 8 blocks going to and from work, which is approximately 1 mile. I think I'll be hitting the gym tomorrow for a light cardio workout. Having been without my comforting workouts for over a week I'm really jonesing for a good sweat session.

Tonight I had a lovely dinner with my choir buddy Brian and his partner Joe. They live on the northwest side of the city, an area I am not altogether familiar with. Unfortunately, because I was gabbing on the phone with my friend Joel, I turned two blocks too early and got completely turned around! I was already running late, which always annoys me, so the extra 10 minutes I spent driving around West Rogers Park just did wonders for my mood.

Brian and Joe were magnanimous hosts and accepted me, despite my tardiness, with grace and charm. They had cooked up a wonderful spinach and cheese soufflé, braised squash and a delectable New York cheesecake for dessert! I picked out a nice Chardonnay -- Maryville Starmont 2004, as recommended in this review. I was quite pleased with the wine, and it complemented the menu beautifully.

Now I'm home; I wasn't sleepy when I started this entry, but I find my eyelids are getting heavier with each passing minute. I think my new 400 thread count sheets are calling me . . .

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