Wednesday, April 26, 2006

How quickly time flies . . .

I am amazed at how long it has been since I've put up a new post! The nearly two weeks intervening this post and my previous one were filled with Holy Week happenings and out-of-town visitors, so I have had precious little time to sit down and write. My absence from the blogosphere has not been due to a want for topics. I've had so many ideas for things to write. Since the main reason I keep this blog is to force myself to write more coherently, I've really been doing myself a disservice by failing to keep it better updated. This fails to mention the impact on you, the literally ones of readers who peruse these pages de temps en temps.

I promise, I will prattle on more in the near future. Look for the conclusion of the My Faith Story series, and some interesting insights into just exactly what I do all day at my lab bench. And no, order things from isn't at the top of the list.

I think maybe it's number 17.

1 comment:

John said...

As they do say in church music circles post-Easter, "He is risen. And we are dead."